タラモア デュー アイリッシュ ウイスキー (750mL)
タラモア デュー アイリッシュ ウイスキー (750mL)
蒸留所から: この典型的なアイリッシュ ウイスキーを自分で発見することに勝るものはありません。おそらくあなたは、アイリッシュ パブの暖炉のそばに座って、古い友人たちと一緒にタラモア デューのグラスを楽しんでいるかもしれません。モダンな街のバーの活気ある雰囲気を楽しんだり、自宅でリラックスしたりしています。どこにいても、落ち着いてグラスを 1 杯か 2 杯味わって、これを発見してください。奥深さを秘めた伝説のアイリッシュウイスキー。専門家は、タラモア デューを「飲みやすく...微妙で滑らかで心地よいモルト感...レモングラスのフィニッシュとやさしく食欲をそそる」と説明しています。禁煙 「隠された深みのあるこの伝説的なアイリッシュ ウイスキーを発見する」 最初に、黄金の大麦の真の風味がグラスにどのように存在するかに注目してください。 Three Times is Best 2回ではなく3回の蒸留でしか味わえない、澄み切ったピュアな味わいをお楽しみください。時間がかかる: 最後に、「焦げた木のほのかな香り」を探します。これは、タラモア デューが上質のオーク樽で成熟するまで熟成されたことを示しています。
色 - ミディアムアンバーゴールド。ノーズ - スパイシー、レモン、モルトのマイルドなブレンドで、焦げた木とバニラのニュアンスがあります。
ボディ - ライトボディ、甘いスパイス、バターのような風味、まろやかな柑橘類のフルーティーさ。
口蓋 - トーストした木材とバニラのヒントを伴う温かみのある心地良いモルト味 フィニッシュ - 滑らかで優しく、複雑なフレーバーが余韻に残ります。
Tastings.com より: 黄金色の琥珀色。クリーミーなヌガー、レーズン、ミネラル アルコールのアロマがソフトなエントリーに続き、デリケートなハチミツ、シリアル、クリーミーなフレーバーを伴うドライなライトからミディアム ボディへと続きます。イチジク、オイリーなナッツ、ピリッとしたスパイスのフェードでフィニッシュ。穀物アルコールの特徴を示しています。 (2008 年 4 月 23 日にテイスティング)
Ordering and Payment
1.1. Placing an order on For Whiskey Lovers constitutes an offer to purchase the selected products. All orders are subject to acceptance by For Whiskey Lovers, and we reserve the right to refuse or cancel any order at our discretion.
1.2. For Whiskey Lovers accepts various payment methods, including credit cards, debit cards, and other electronic payment options. By providing payment information, you authorize us to charge the specified amount for the products and any applicable taxes or fees.
1.3. In the event of payment failure, For Whiskey Lovers may cancel or suspend your order until the payment is successfully processed. We do not store or retain any payment information you provide during the checkout process.
2.1. For Whiskey Lovers offers delivery services to specified locations that we are legally eligible to ship to. Delivery times may vary depending on your location and other factors. We will provide an estimated delivery time-frame, but we cannot guarantee specific delivery dates or times.
2.2. You acknowledge that the delivery of alcoholic beverages requires the recipient to be of legal drinking age. Our delivery personnel may request proof of age upon delivery. If the recipient is unable to provide valid identification, the delivery will not be completed, and the products will be returned to For Whiskey Lovers.
2.3. Delivery fees and any applicable taxes or duties will be added to the total order amount. These charges will be clearly displayed during the checkout process.
2.4. For Whiskey Lovers operates within the legal framework of the jurisdiction in which it operates. However, it is your responsibility as the customer to ensure compliance with all applicable local, regional, and national laws regarding the purchase, possession, and shipment of alcoholic beverages.
2.5. You acknowledge and agree that you are solely responsible for understanding and adhering to the specific laws and regulations governing the shipment and importation of alcohol in your jurisdiction. For Whiskey Lovers shall not be held liable for any legal consequences or violations resulting from your failure to comply with such laws.
2.6. For Whiskey Lovers reserves the right to refuse or cancel an order if it believes that the shipment would violate any applicable laws or regulations. In such cases, For Whiskey Lovers will notify you and provide a refund for the canceled order, minus any applicable fees or charges.
Returns and Refunds
3.1. For Whiskey Lovers takes great care in packaging and delivering your order to ensure its quality and condition. In the event that you receive damaged, defective, or incorrect products, please contact our customer support within seven (7) days of delivery to request a return or exchange.
3.2. Refunds or replacements will be processed at For Whiskey Lovers' discretion after evaluating the nature of the issue. We may request additional information or photographic evidence to facilitate the return process.
3.3. For Whiskey Lovers reserves the right to refuse returns or refunds for reasons including but not limited to a change of mind, personal taste preference, or improper storage of the products after delivery.
3.4. For Whiskey Lovers does not offer refunds or returns on international shipments.
Shipping Locations
4.1. Domestic Shipments: For Whiskey Lovers ships to 42 states within the United States. Unfortunately, we do not ship to Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, Tennessee or Utah.
4.2. International Shipments: For Whiskey Lover’s ships to 28+ Countries